Sunday, April 20, 2014

female appreciation - Imogen "jennifer" Heap

You may know the name, her famous song is "hide & seek"

Not only does it have a very wide range of notes (from very low to very high), but she also backs her own voice with pre-recorded voice, and then on top of it she computerizes it to sound slightly robotic (which I love).  In fact, this song is so beautiful it often makes me cry when I listen to it, more so if I sing along.  You may also recognize this song if you're an SNL fan:

What most people might not realize, she was also in the short lived band "frou frou":

This song was remixed well over a dozen times, including this watkins remix which played when dance music was really popular in the late 90's:


  1. Impressionnante, cette Imogen Heap. Une chanson entière a capella, doublée d'une voix de synthétiseur, c'était risqué. Je trouve ça réussi.
    Merci à toi de me l'avoir fait découvrir.
    (Et maintenant, tu as gagné un voyage gratuit vers Google traduction pour savoir ce que je viens de dire) :-)

  2. Translation: Impressive, this Imogen Heap. An entire song a capella, coupled with a voice synthesizer, it was risky. I find it successful. Thank you to you for letting me discover. (And now you've won a free trip to google translate to know what I just said)
