Started out just shaving my chest, after all what dress looks good with chest hairs sticking out? Oh look at that, my nipples finally look good.. feminine. Why stop here I ask myself? Because my wife doesn't like when I shave my body, that's why. But I haven't shaved in SUCH a long time, how mad can she be? Ok fine, just shave my stomach. Oh but why stop there? Keep going baby, shave your thighs. Shave shave shave.. Well I certainly can't stop there, I might as well shave both my legs.

But of course what does every woman and crossdresser (particularly the latter) face? That's right, that imaginary stopwatch. How quickly can I get this done and not cut myself and not run out of hot water? Oh you 40 gallon hot water tank, why can't you be bigger or quicker to heat water?

By the time I got about 80% done, I could feel the water start to cool off.
"Crap! I'm not done shaving, nor have I rinsed my hair or conditioned it yet!"

Needless to say, I managed to finish shaving myself in cold water, and not a SINGLE nick on any body part, and I think the cold water helped my hair snap a bit.
I am totally shaved too from the eyebrows to my toes. Moisturize every other day for soft touchable skin. Luv it!